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Codes LS Skype, Discord, téléphones et autres

Messages : 112
Date d'inscription : 25/01/2018
Deus Ex Machina
DirecteurDeus Ex Machina
Bonjour à toi !

Nous avons eu envie de te permettre d'accéder à toute sorte de moyens de communications, alors voici des pour que tu puisses réaliser une conversation en ligne ou par téléphone avec l'un de tes camarades. Il te suffira de copier/coller ce code dans un nouveau sujet intitulé "Conversation en ligne de [ton pseudo] avec [pseudo du destinataire]" ou "SMS de [ton pseudo] à [pseudo du destinataire]" afro . Vous pourrez garder le même sujet par la suite.

Le pseudo00/00/00 à 00:00Là, c'est le message que tu as reçu de la personne.Et là, le message que tu lui as envoyé !© CRIMSON DAY

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><fondsk><fond2sk><imgsk style="background:url( center center; background-size:cover"></imgsk><pseudosk>Le pseudo</pseudosk></fond2sk><lignesk></lignesk><datesk>00/00/00 à 00:00</datesk><fondsk2><!--DEBUT DU MESSAGE RECU--><recusk>Là, c'est le message que tu as reçu de la personne.</recusk><!--FIN DU MESSAGE RECU--><!--DEBUT DU MESSAGE ENVOYE--><envoyesk>Et là, le message que tu lui as envoyé !</envoyesk><!--FIN DU MESSAGE ENVOYE--></fondsk2></fondsk><creditscd><a href="" target="_blank">[size=9]©️[/size] CRIMSON DAY</a></creditscd>



Today at 22:38

this works with a single person/line of text

a big joke

Today at 22:38

but if you want to add a second person

it works too!!


Today at 22:39

if you write an especially long line, the text will be more bunched up, like how it displays in discord proper - aka, the line height will be smaller

so it looks diff from if you post a new message


just make sure you wrap each new line in (p) (/p) - except with triangle brackets, of course!

also, if your character's username is too long to fit the header, i've indicated clearly in the CSS how to remove the call/pinned/etc icons - so just get rid of that part and you'll be gold!

Message @harja

<link href=",600,700" rel="stylesheet"><style>.dsc{width:550px;margin:5px auto;background:#36393e;font-family:'open sans';color:#b9babc;font-size:13px;}.dsc h1,.dsc h2,.dsc h3{margin:0;}.dsc_head{padding:20px;border-bottom:1px solid #2b2e32;/* REMOVE THIS LINE IF YOUR USERNAME IS TOO LONG */background:url( no-repeat right center;/* ^^^^^^^ */}.dsc h1{color:#fff;font-size:20px;}.dsc h1 b{font-weight:normal;color:#84888e;padding-right:2px;}.dsc h1::after{content:'';height:10px;width:10px;background:#43B581;border-radius:100%;overflow:hidden;display:inline-block;position:relative;left:5px;top:-2px;}.dsc_chat{padding:10px 20px;}.dsc_cbox{border-bottom:1px solid #3e4146;padding:20px 0;display:flex;display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;flex-wrap:wrap;line-height:1.2;}.dsc_cbox:last-of-type{border-bottom:0;padding-bottom:10px;}.dsc_cbox img{width:40px;height:40px;border-radius:100%;margin-right:20px;}.dsc_cbox span{width:450px;}.dsc h2{font-size:14px;color:#fff;font-weight:600;display:inline;}.dsc h2:hover{text-decoration:underline;}.dsc h3{font-size:11px;color:#555762;font-weight:600;display:inline;padding-left:2px;}.dsc p{margin:7px 0;}.dsc p:last-of-type{margin-bottom:0;}.dsc_input{border-top:1px solid #424549;margin:0 20px;padding:20px 0 30px;}.dsc_inbox{height:25px;background:url( no-repeat left center,url( no-repeat right center,#484b51;border-radius:5px;padding:10px 10px 10px 58px;line-height:25px;color:#7b7d81;}.harjac{display:block;text-align:center;width:100px;margin:auto;}</style>

<div class="dsc"><div class="dsc_head"><h1><b>@</b>harja</h1></div><div class="dsc_chat"><div class="dsc_cbox"><img src=""><span><h2>harja</h2> <h3>Today at 22:38</h3><br/><p>this works with a single person/line of text</p></span></div><div class="dsc_cbox"><img src=""><span><h2>a big joke</h2> <h3>Today at 22:38</h3><br/><p>but if you want to add a second person</p><p>it works too!!</p></span></div><div class="dsc_cbox"><img src=""><span><h2>harja</h2> <h3>Today at 22:39</h3><br/><p>if you write an especially long line, the text will be more bunched up, like how it displays in discord proper - aka, the line height will be smaller</p><p>so it looks diff from if you post a new message</p><p>see?</p><p>just make sure you wrap each new line in (p) (/p) - except with triangle brackets, of course!</p><p>also, if your character's username is too long to fit the header, i've indicated clearly in the CSS how to remove the call/pinned/etc icons - so just get rid of that part and you'll be gold!</p></span></div></div><div class="dsc_input"><div class="dsc_inbox">Message @harja</div></div></div><a href="" class="harjac">harja</a>

short status line here
message received
message sent, if you go past 4 lines, code expands <3

type your message here
xion of sonder

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><style>.xion005{width: 400px; min-height: 350px; background: #f1f1f1; border-radius: 10px; border: 10px solid #fefefe; box-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #aaa; position: relative;}.xion005a{width: 120px; height: 120px; background: url( center; background-size: 140px;}.xion005a img{width: 100px; height: 100px; border: 5px solid #fff; border-radius: 100%; margin-left: 5px; margin-top: 5px;}.xion005b{float:left; width: 130px; padding: 40px 70px; font-family: titillium web; color: #888; font-size: 15px; background: #fff;}.xion005b b{color: #3da78a;}.xion005c b{color: #3da78a;}.xion005c{width: 123px; float:left; background: #fff; padding: 5px; font-family: titillium web; font-size: 11px; color: #777;}.xion005d{background: #fff; height: 70px; position: absolute; width: 400px; bottom: 0px;}.xion005e{width: 300px; background: #eee; font-family: titillium web; font-size: 12px; color: #999; text-align: left; padding: 5px 20px; border-radius: 10px;}.xion005f{width: 20px; height: 20px; background: #3da78a; padding: 4px 10px; border-radius: 5px;}.xion005g{font-family: titillium web; font-size: 11px; color: #444; background: #c0d6cc; padding: 10px; border-radius: 20px 20px 20px 0px;}.xion005h{font-family: titillium web; font-size: 11px; color: #444; background: #dfe7e4; padding: 10px; border-radius: 20px 20px 0px; text-align: right;}</style><center> <div class="xion005"> <table> <tr> <td> <div class="xion005b"><b>@</b>username</div></td><td rowspan="2"><div class="xion005a"> <img src=""> </div></td></tr><tr> <td> <div class="xion005c">STATUS: <b>ONLINE</b></div><div class="xion005c" style="margin-left: 3px;">short status line here</div></td></tr><tr><td class="xion005g" colspan="2">message received</td></tr><tr><td class="xion005h" colspan="2">message sent, if you go past 4 lines, code expands <3</td></tr></table><br><br><br><br><div class="xion005d"> <table style="margin-top: 20px;"> <tr> <td><div class="xion005e">type your message here</div></td><td><div class="xion005f"></div></td></tr></table> </div></div><a href="" style="font-family: titillium web; color: #666; font-size: 9px;">xion of sonder</a></center>

Le nom du contact est ici
Le texte du premier sms se met ici. Le texte du premier sms se met ici

Le texte du second sms se met ici. Le texte du second sms se met ici

Le texte du troisième sms se met ici. Le texte du troisième sms se met ici
Saisir le texteEnvoyer

Codage par Libella sur Graphiorum

<center><div style="background:url('');width: 263px; height: 472px">
<div style="width:229px; height:375px;margin-top:28px;background:#F7F7F7"><table style="width:229px;background:#055C8C; border-bottom: 1px solid #033A58"><td style="width:60px; height:60px;"><img src="" style="witdh:60px; height:60px;border: 2px solid #fff"></td><td style="width:150px; height:60px; text-align:center; font-family:tahoma;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;color:#fff">Le nom du contact est ici</td></table><div style="width:229px; height:265px; overflow:auto"><div style="width: 150px;min-height:20px; margin-left:-20px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px; padding: 10px;text-align:justify;background-color:#FFEED7; border: 1px solid #FFE0A6; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #FFE0A6 inset;color:#000">Le texte du premier sms se met ici. Le texte du premier sms se met ici</div><br><div style="width: 150px;min-height:20px; margin-right:-20px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px; padding: 10px;text-align:justify;background-color:#EBEBEB; border: 1px solid #D2D2D2; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #D2D2D2 inset;color:#000">Le texte du second sms se met ici. Le texte du second sms se met ici</div><br><div style="width: 150px;min-height:20px; margin-left:-20px;-webkit-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px; padding: 10px;text-align:justify;background-color:#FFEED7; border: 1px solid #FFE0A6; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #FFE0A6 inset;color:#000">Le texte du troisième sms se met ici. Le texte du troisième sms se met ici</div></div><table style="width:229px; height;30px; background:#CDCCCC; border-top: 1px solid #B9B7B7"><td style="width:120px;height:30px;padding:5px;background-color:#fff;border:1px solid #01A4E7; color:#837B78">Saisir le texte</td><td style="width: 50px;height:30px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius: 10px;border-radius: 10px; padding: 5px;text-align:center;background:#2BBFFF;box-shaddow: 0px 0px 10px #B5C1D7 inset; border: 1px solid #0181B8;color:#EEF4F9">Envoyer</td></table></div>
<div style="color:#C2CDD3; font-size:8px; text-align:center;">Codage par Libella sur [url=]Graphiorum[/url]</div></center>

TEXT YOUR CHARACTER SENDS TO THE OTHER PERSON, stack these however you want as long as you want, they'll grow or shrink and this section will scroll.

<link href="" rel="stylesheet"><style type="text/css">.mpavatar{width: 50px; height: 50px; border-radius: 25px; -moz-border-radius: 25px; -o-border-radius: 25px; -webkit-border-radius: 25px; background-size: 50px; background-image: url(ICON URL);}.mpLOCKSCR{width: 236px; height: 419px; background-image: url(IMAGE URL); margin-top: -479px; transition: 1.3s ease; -moz-transition: 1.3s ease; -webkit-transition: 1.3s ease; -o-transition: 1.3s ease;}#mphone{width: 330px; height: 600px; background: transparent;}.mpTEXT{width: 236px; height: 419px; background: #fff; border-top: 60px solid #000; border-left: 20px solid #000; border-right: 20px solid #000; border-bottom: 60px solid #000; border-radius: 25px; -moz-border-radius: 25px; -webkit-border-radius: 25px; -o-border-radius: 25px;}.mptopbar{width: 236px; height: 70px; background: #E8E8E8;}.mpstatusbar{width: 236px; height: 12px; background-image: url(;}.mpname{width: auto; height: 50px; font: 15px/50px 'Raleway'; color: #000; text-align: center; opacity: 0; transition: 1.2s ease; -moz-transition: 1.2s ease; -webkit-transition: 1.2s ease; -o-transition: 1.2s ease; padding-left: 15px;}.mptextbox{width: 230px; height: 313px; overflow: auto; opacity: 0; transition: 1.2s ease; -moz-transition: 1.2s ease; -webkit-transition: 1.2s ease; -o-transition: 1.2s ease;}.mpRec{margin-left: -90px; width: 125px; height: auto; border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 0px; background: #DADADA; padding: 5px; font: 10px/13px 'Raleway'; text-align: left; color: #000; margin-top: 5px;}.mpSent{margin-left: 90px; width: 125px; height: auto; border-radius: 15px 15px 0px 15px; -o-border-radius: 15px 15px 0px 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 0px 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px 15px 0px 15px; background: #19B9FF; padding: 5px; font: 10px/13px 'Raleway'; text-align: right; color: #000; margin-top: 5px;}.mpbottombar{width: 236px; height: 30px; background: #fff; opacity: 0; transition: 1.2s ease; -moz-transition: 1.2s ease; -webkit-transition: 1.2s ease; -o-transition: 1.2s ease;}.mpcamera{width: 21px; height: 30px; background-image: url(;}.mpiMess{width: 190px; padding: 4px; padding-left: 6px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font: 11px/20px 'Raleway'; color: #ADABAA; border: 1px solid #ADABAA; border-radius: 10px; -moz-border-radius: 10px; -o-border-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-radius: 10px;}#mphone:hover .mpname{opacity: 1; transition: .1s ease; -moz-transition: .1s ease; -webkit-transition: .1s ease; -o-transition: .1s ease;}#mphone:hover .mptextbox{opacity: 1; transition: .1s ease; -moz-transition: .1s ease; -webkit-transition: .1s ease; -o-transition: .1s ease;}#mphone:hover .mpbottombar{opacity: 1; transition: .1s ease; -moz-transition: .1s ease; -webkit-transition: .1s ease; -o-transition: .1s ease;}#mphone:hover .mpLOCKSCR{transform: scale(.1); -moz-transform: scale(.1); -webkit-transform: scale(.1); -o-transform: scale(.1); opacity: 0; transition: 1.3s ease; -moz-transition: 1.3s ease; -webkit-transition: 1.3s ease; -o-transition: 1.3s ease;}.mphomebutton{width: 30px; height: 30px; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -o-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px; background: #000; border: 1px solid #E8E8E8; margin-top: 10px;}.mpscr::-webkit-scrollbar{width: 1px; height: 1px;}.mpscr::-webkit-scrollbar-track{background: #fff; border: 1px solid #fff;}.mpscr::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{background: #fff; border: 1px solid #fff;}.fcred{width: 400px; font: 9px/12px georgia; text-align: center;}</style>

<center><div id="mphone"><div class="mpTEXT"><div class="mptopbar"><div class="mpstatusbar"></div><table><tr><td><div class="mpavatar"></div></td><td><div class="mpname">FIRST LAST</div></td></tr></table></div><div class="mptextbox mpscr"><div class="mpRec">TEXT RECEIVED, TEXT FROM OTHER PERSON</div><div class="mpSent">TEXT YOUR CHARACTER SENDS TO THE OTHER PERSON, stack these however you want as long as you want, they'll grow or shrink and this section will scroll.</div></div><div class="mpbottombar"><table><tr><td><div class="mpcamera"></div></td><td><div class="mpiMess">iMessage</div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="mpLOCKSCR"></div><div class="mphomebutton"></div></div><div class="fcred"><a href="">✿</a> <a href="">✿</a></div></center>

words - keep it short oKAY

<center><style type="text/css"> .snapchat{opacity:0; width:230px; height:350px; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.6s; -moz-transition-duration: 0.6s; transition-duration: 0.6s;}.snapchat:hover{opacity:1;}.snapspace{height:30px;}.snapbase{width:230px; height:350px; background-color:#eaeaea; background-image:url(; border:6px solid #eaeaea; -moz-box-shadow:0px 0px 5px #444; -webkit-box-shadow:0px 0px 5px #444; box-shadow:0px 0px 5px #444;}.snaptime{position:relative; top:10px; left:88px; width:35px; height:18px; padding:8px 0px; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.7); -webkit-border-radius:5px; -moz-border-radius:5px; border-radius:5px; font-family:arial; font-size:18px; color:#fff; line-height:100%; text-align:center;}.snapwords{position:relative; left:0px; width:230px; height:12px; padding:6px 0px; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.7); font-family:arial; font-size:12px; color:#fff; line-height:100%; text-align:center; overflow:hidden;}</style><div class="snapspace"></div><div class="snapbase"><div class="snapchat" style="background-image:url(;"><div class="snaptime">3</div><div class="snapwords" style="top:180px;">words - keep it short oKAY</div></div></div><a href=""><font style="text-transform:uppercase; font-family:calibri; font-size:10px; color:#ABABAB;">- JENNA -</font></a></center>

La date/heure actuelle est Sam 11 Mai - 20:18
Codes LS Skype, Discord, téléphones et autres Bouton11Codes LS Skype, Discord, téléphones et autres 88-3110Aube des Mondes